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Hotel in the city of Arica

Hotel in the city of Arica

Hotel in the city of Arica. Here you can find the best alternatives for your accommodation.

Arica has a population of 191,728 inhabitants.

The climate of Arica is desert. In Arica, the average annual temperature is 19 ° C.

The airport is located 16.8 km from the city of Arica.

The best Arica Hotels

Gavina Express
Address: 1 de mayo 425
Telephone: +56 58-2583000

Address: Diego Portales 2422
Telephone: +56 58-2583656

Address: General Lagos 571
Telephone: +56 58-2257752

Casa Beltran
Address: Rafael Sotomayor 266
Telephone: +56 58-2253839

Panamericana Hotel – Arica & Resort
Address: Comandante San Martín 599
Telephone: +56 58-2254540

Address: Sotomayor 490
Telephone: +56 58-2224444

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